Text and number property for nodes
Nick Glavin
Nick Glavin
Other examples Email, Phone, Link, Yes/No
Nick Glavin
Jan Sievers We do have some filtering capabilities at the moment the filter options are located in the top bar, which may help, when the additional types are added they would also be included in the filter :D
I think you should be able to use page type as a select property at the moment.
Your use case for text a number sounds similar to how I was thinking although I would have to look into the filtering, sorting is hard with trees as the order is somewhat implied by the structure, but still something I'll think on :D
Labels on nodes also high on the priority list, I'm looking to give the node cards a full make over in the next few weeks
Thanks for taking the time to provide extra context, it really helps
Jan Sievers
Nick Glavin: Sounds fantastic! Looking forward 😃
Nick Glaivn
Are you wanting the tags be bespoke to the node ? or a collection of tags for the project ?
Node 1 text field is just a free form text input eg Keyword 1, Keyword 2, Keyword 3
Node 2 text field has value Keyword 4, Keyword 5, (and 1,2,3 are not selectable)
Jan Sievers
Nick Glaivn: Thank you for asking, and sorry for the late reply!
I mean just free form input that's bespoke to the node. Like a bit of data that's specific to the node. Similar to how text and number properties work in notion or coda databases.
I would use this for sitemaps, to create node cards that look like this (just an example):
Benefits of OKRs
Keywords: okr benefits, why use okrs
Search volume: 15.000
Page type: Blog post
Where "Keywords" would be a free form text input, "Search volume" a free number or text input (not sure what the benefit of a number would be in Poda currently, but in Notion, Excel etc. I can use it to sort and filter. Maybe Poda will have functionality like that in the future).
"Page type" could be a single select property.
BTW it would also be great if the property labels could be displayed in the nodes.
I'll attach an example of how I use cards like this in coda.
PS: I realize that Poda is not supposed to be a sitemap tool. But I'm guessing these features (more types of properties, show labels on the nodes) could be useful in a lot of other use cases, too.